
Archive for July 30th, 2007

Last Friday, 27th July, trainers Sibu Vaz and Rajesh P.I conducted a team building workshop using theatre tools for the top brass of Fidelity. The participants comprised Fidelity’s Country Head Mr.Jayesh Chakravarthy and his team of Vice Presidents. Conducted at the Taj West End, the workshop was the culmination of a day-long meeting.

Within a span of a few seconds, the participants were transported from their board meeting to a more relaxed zone. They were in their best elements and participated enthusiastically. The exercises helped them in seeing the lighter side of their compatriots. This further helped in bonding. By the end of the session, they were sharing –

It was great to see the lighter sides of our colleagues.
I feel very good and feel the bonding has increased among us.
This is a great stress-buster and Iam amazed at the creativity which all of us displayed in a very short time.

This workshop was possible because of the personal initiative of Mr.Jayesh who was very enthusiastic about using theatre tools for his team.

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